Optomap Retinal Exam

Optomap Retinal Exam Offered in Albuquerque

At Albuquerque Vision Care and Advanced Eyewear, we pride ourselves on cutting edge technology to keep your vision healthy and intact. From the extensive services we offer to the optometrists and staff we employ; our Albuquerque Optometry center is a step ahead of most vision clinics. It is essential we understand, learn, do the work and research, and provide optimal services for our patients. 

One such technique we are now offering those in the Albuquerque area is an Optomap retinal exam to capture retinal imaging in a single visit. With the traditional imaging typically present at vision clinics, our team realized that optomap is the only true, ultra-widefield retinal image that can capture up to 200% of the retina with each imaging modality. It surpasses the traditional tactic by almost 50%.

No Dilation Required

Albuquerque optometry provides this technology for our patients due to the fact optomap incorporates a low-powered laser wavelength that scans simultaneously. There is no dilation required and you are  

How optomap retinal exam works composed of the following:

  • Green laser - scans from the retina to the outer layers of the eye
  • Red laserscans the vascular layer of the eyeball
  • Blue laserused to detect eye disorders
  • Infrared laserused to monitor blood flow in the eye

As you can see, the four distinct scans within optomap leads to the 200% output of imaging results. Without our optometrists offering this retinal exam, we're only able to detect 45% through a standard imaging process. Optomap retinal exam has increased our capacity for diagnosing visual impairments within the retina before they can multiply and become problematic.

The Optomap is a non-dilating camera, and this type of retinal exam is offered at our Albuquerque optometry center for your convenience. In order to have the optomap retinal exam, our professionals need your advanced health history and any aversions to imaging or light-scanning within your eyes. We want to ensure your optic health and comfort is a priority, therefore because no dilation is required with optomap, we recommend this procedure above all others.

Furthermore, we recommend optomap due to the following reasons:

  1. The procedure creates a permanent record
  2. You can leave our clinic with your vision intact
  3. The retinal imaging exam only takes a few minutes from start to finish
  4. It allows for a wider imaging view of your retina details
  5. Can be reviewed by other medical professionals, if necessary

Request Your Appointment

Contact our team members for further information regarding an optomap retinal exam. We want to keep you on track with healthy vision and eye strength.


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Hours of Operation

Please Note: During inclement winter weather our office may delay opening. Please call to listen to our message during winter weather alerts.


8:30 am - 3:30 pm


10:00 am - 3:30 pm


8:30 am - 3:30 pm


8:30 am - 3:30 pm


8:30 am - 3:30 pm





8:30 am - 3:30 pm
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
8:30 am - 3:30 pm