Diabetic Retinopathy FAQs

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye that helps you see. High blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in the retina, leading to a variety of problems that can threaten vision. Thankfully, if you are looking for diabetic retinopathy treatment from an optometrist near you, you can visit our optometry team at Albuquerque Vision Care and Advanced Eyewear in Albuquerque, NM, for the care you are looking for.

Diabetic Retinopathy FAQs

How Does Diabetic Retinopathy Develop?

Chronically high blood sugar levels weaken the walls of blood vessels throughout the body, including those in the retina. This can cause the vessels to leak fluid or bleed, blurring vision. The lack of oxygen and nutrients can also cause new, fragile blood vessels to grow on the surface of the retina. These new vessels are more prone to leaking and bleeding, further compromising vision.

What Are the Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy progresses through several stages, each with varying degrees of severity. Early stages may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, as the condition progresses, individuals may experience:

•             Blurred or wavy vision

•             Seeing floaters (tiny specks or cobwebs floating in your vision)

•             Difficulty seeing at night

•             Sudden vision loss

Importance of Early Detection

Diabetic retinopathy is a top cause of blindness in adults with diabetes. The good news is that early detection and treatment can significantly reduce the risk of vision loss. Regular eye exams are crucial for people with diabetes. During these exams, an eye doctor will examine the retina for signs of damage and help you get treatment if you are having problems.

How Do I Protect My Vision?

If you have diabetes, it is vital to prioritize your eye health. Here are some key steps you can take:

•             Maintain good blood sugar control through diet, exercise, and medication.

•             Attend eye exams with your eye doctor.

•             Be aware of the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy and report any changes in your vision to your doctor immediately.

Get Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment from an Optometrist Near You

Early detection and management of diabetic retinopathy are essential to preserve your vision. If you have diabetes, contact our team at Albuquerque Vision Care and Advanced Eyewear in Albuquerque, NM, today to schedule an eye exam. By prioritizing your eye care, you can take a proactive step towards protecting your sight for years to come. Call us at (505) 332-2020 for diabetic retinopathy treatment from an optometrist near you.


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